New Discovery At Monticello Plantation Reveals Unknown Facts About President Thomas Jefferson

Published on 04/09/2018

A Complicated Legacy

Thomas Jefferson was a very influential Founding Father. He was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence which is very important foundational document for U.S. government. Its ideas were used to inspire the French Revolution, and later on women in America used it as a template to fight for equal rights. The document as well as most of U.S. government were inspired by the Enlightenment movement which established the equality principal. In Jefferson’s own words, he wrote that “All men are created equal.” While this phrase is imperfect as it clearly excludes women, it also seemed to imply that only all white men are created equal as Jefferson owned 607 slaves.

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson


An Enigmatic Figure

While Jefferson owned many slaves during the course of his lifetime, one is particular has raised the curiosity of historians. Her name was Sally Hemings. There was little known about her until a discovery was made about 200 years ago.

Sally Hemmings

Sally Hemmings