This Woman Had Been Missing For 42 Years When They Finally Closed The Case

Published on 09/18/2019

This man from upstate New York took his wife to the doctor but discovered something unusual when it was time to fetch her. Several hours after he dropped her off, it was time to pick her up and go home. When he got to the doctor’s office, his wife was nowhere to be seen.

Nowhere In Sight

He returned and waited for his wife to show up. She never did. Where was she and what happened? What could have happened to her in the first place? The case was closed only 42 years later.

Nowhere in Sight

Nowhere In Sight


Nothing More Than A Cold

He brought her to the medical appointment of hers earlier that day. They did not find anything unusual about her, only a bad head cold. He dropped off his wife and told her he would be back in an hour or so.

Nothing More Than A Cold