Summer, sun … and forgot the sun protection? Ouch! What helps with sunburn? We have the best tips, home remedies, and SOS tricks for you if you have a sunburn.

How To Get Rid Of Sunburn Fast
React Fast
Most of the time, the extent of a sunburn does not become noticeable for a few hours. However, one should not wait and see whether the redness gets really bad. The skin should be supported even at the slightest sign. Doctors recommend taking 1000 milligrams of acetylsalicylic acid when discovering sunburn. This slows down the messenger substances that trigger the inflammation. Another recommendation for bad burns are burns or hydrocortisone gels, which you can get over the counter at the pharmacy.
Cold compresses also help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. You can either use a linen or cotton cloth that you have soaked in cold water. Or you can grab quark and yogurt from the fridge. Before drying, carefully remove with a wet washcloth so as not to further irritate the skin. And: cold envelopes yes, cool packs or ice cubes no. Otherwise frostbite can occur in addition to sunburn.
After-Sun Products
To pamper the burned skin, many instinctively resort to body lotion or butter and apply it as thickly as possible. However, rich creams can cause heat to build up and only make the sunburn worse. It is therefore much better to use after-sun products that cool, donate moisture and stimulate the skin’s regeneration process through special active ingredients. Aloe vera is a tried and tested ingredient: it has a moisturizing, calming effect and promotes the growth of new cells. Extra tip: keep after-sun lotion in the refrigerator.
Drink Water
If you are sunburned, you should drink a lot. This not only stimulates the skin’s regeneration process, it can also make up for the loss of fluid and stimulate the circulation. Water in the form of a spray can also relieve the feelings of tension caused by the burn on the skin. Thermal water sprays also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Quark Or Yogurt
Quark or yogurt from the refrigerator can be used as a mask on the affected areas, effectively relieving the pain. But be careful: remove the mask again before it dries, so as not to irritate the skin even more.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is THE secret weapon against redness on the skin. Because the plant is known to be particularly moisturizing. If you have one at home, you should cut off a piece and apply the gel-like liquid from the inside to the affected area of the skin. Alternatively, use an aloe vera gel from the pharmacy or drugstore.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil provides the skin with many nutrients that help the skin to regenerate. It cools and has anti-inflammatory effects.
Organic apple cider vinegar
Organic apple cider vinegar is also great for sunburns. The acetic acid disinfects the sensitive skin area and can relieve itching. Caution: Do not use if bubbles form. Otherwise the acid can irritate the skin unnecessarily.